Dot Blot Box for Detection of Blotted Protein


Reference #: 01271 

The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Dot Blot Box for Detection of Blotted Protein


The cause of Alzheimer’s disease is believed to lie within the aggregation and subsequent accumulation of the amyloid-b (Ab) protein.  Observation of amyloid-b aggregation requires readings or assessments at many time points, and Thioflavin-T (ThT fluorescence techniques are frequently used to observe this aggregation phenomenon. However, many of the potential inhibitors of Ab aggregation investigated in this lab interfere with ThT fluorescence readings.  In addition to this, a closer look at the structures that dominate each phase of the aggregation is also desirable, as these soluble intermediate structures are believed to be extremely relevant to the disease pathology.

Invention Description:

Protein blotting or ‘dot blotting’ involves the direct blotting of a sample onto a membrane for the detection and analysis of protein contained in the sample.  In essence, the dot blot is a simplification of the Western blot, which, unlike dot blotting, uses electrophoresis to separate proteins by size and/or charge.  Dot blotting is a common technique used in molecular biology to detect, analyze, and identify proteins, as it is relatively inexpensive and requires little instrumentation to execute.  Beneficially, a dot blot allows for quantitative protein analysis and, when coupled with structural specific antibodies, enables structural visualization. However, the observation of aggregation in multiple samples over numerous time points adds complexity to dot blot processing. Therefore, a dot blot box was developed that facilitates implementation of this process was developed for this lab for the purpose of a public health sciences project. 

Potential Applications:

Analysis of blotted protein may be performed for various reasons/in various contexts, and common techniques do not always permit accurate visualization and/or consistent results. A dot blot allows for structural visualization through immunochemistry and provides an alternative means of observation and analysis of protein phenomena, particularly in more complex settings that may require assessment/blotting of several proteins over a longer duration or with many samples.

Advantages and Benefits:

Dot blotting is a commonly ­used technique in molecular biology that is used to detect, analyze, and identify proteins, and is relatively inexpensive and requires little instrumentation to execute. However, something as simple as drying time may compromise the integrity of the blot, especially if a scientist is attempting to quantify the amount of protein present through immunohistochemistry. Use of the box is simple, and easy ­to ­use and maintain, so that even labs without a great deal of funding could find it a worthwhile investment. Consistent results are priceless in scientific research, and this box enables consistent results.

Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date Patent Status
Dot Blot Box and Use Thereof Utility United States 16/357,681 11,167,283 3/19/2019 11/9/2021   Issued
For Information, Contact:
Technology Commercialization
University of South Carolina
Melissa Moss
Lauren Wolf
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