Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Releasing Donor Compound for Dermal Wound Regeneration


Reference #: 01289


The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for an H2S -releasing donor compound for dermal wound regeneration.



Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), together with nitric oxide and carbon monoxide, has been recognized as an important gasotransmitter. It plays an essential physiological role in regulating cyto-protective signal processes, and H2S-based therapy is considered to be the next generation of promising therapeutic strategy for many biomedical applications, such as the treatment of cardiovascular disease. The physiological function of H2S is thought to reduce inflammation and protect tissues from injury (such as ulceration in the gastrointestinal tract), and can act through several pathways. It was discovered that a novel pH-controllable hydrogen sulfide (H2S) donor could be incorporated into nanofibrous scaffolds and different hydrogel systems while maintaining an H2S-releasing function. In vitro studies indicated that materials containing this donor compound could be used as wound dressing for cutaneous wounds, and that this donor compound could significantly enhance wound regeneration, resulting in a broad range of physiological protective functions for wound care.


Invention Description:

This invention is for the application of an H2S donor compound in wound healing. The invention provides three different compositions of wound dressing integrated with the donor material in order to release H2S at wound sites in a controllable manner, improving the wound healing process by stimulating angiogenesis and anti-inflammatory action. The wound dressings include PCL electrospun nanofiber dressing, alginate sponge dressing, and hyaluronic hydrogel dressing, each designed to be applied to different types of wounds.


Potential Applications:

• Skin dressings

• Accelerated wound healing

• Treatment of cardiovascular diseases

• Inflammation reduction


Advantages and Benefits:

The H2S donor material can only release H2S in acidic conditions, while keeping stable in neutral and alkaline conditions. This property makes it useful as skin dressing, which can release H2S in the acidic pH of the wound bed, promoting cell proliferation and migration, improving epithelialization and angiogenesis, and accelerating the wound healing process. The electrospun nanofiber dressing is soft and permeable and could release H2S specifically at wound sites. The sponge dressing is hydroscopic and permeable, and can absorb exudate in addition to releasing H2S to the wound site, while also retaining a moist wound environment. The hydrogel dressing could donate moisture to dehydrated tissue and absorb some moisture from an exudating wound, as well as release H2S to the wound site. The H2S donor and donor-doped wound dressings have unique effects for treating chronic wounds, giving hope to patients and bringing business to the medical dressing industry.


Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date Patent Status
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Releasing Donor Compound for Dermal Wound Regeneration Utility United States 15/665,862 10,456,410 8/1/2017 10/29/2019   Notice of Allowance
For Information, Contact:
Technology Commercialization
University of South Carolina
Qian Wang
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