Search Results - charles+holland

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Extremely Large Pressure Swing Adsorption Processes for Flue Gas Treatment
Reference #: 01469 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Extremely Large Pressure Swing Adsorption Processes for Flue Gas Treatment Background: Extremely large gas flow rates, like that associated with flue gas produced from a 550 MW coal fired power plant, can exceed 25,000,000 SLPM. Even larger flue gas flow rates...
Published: 9/3/2022   |   Inventor(s): James Ritter, Armin Ebner, Charles Holland
Keywords(s): CO2 Capture, Pressure Swing Adsorption, Vacuum Swing Adsorption
Category(s): Advanced Materials, Engineering and Physical Sciences, Energy
Additive for Enhanced Hydrogen Adsorption/Desorption Kinetics in Complex Hydrides
Reference #: 00395 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for this technology. Invention Description: This technology is a new method for producing doped metal hydride compounds that has been shown to improve hydrogen storage characteristics. Advantages and Benefits: The method is an improvement from the traditional ball...
Published: 4/4/2017   |   Inventor(s): James Ritter, Armin Ebner, Ragaiy Zidan, Jun Wang, Charles Holland
Category(s): Engineering and Physical Sciences, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Reversible Hydrogen Storage Materials
Reference #: 00626The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for this technology.Invention Description:The subject invention is a unique material designed to provide improved handling and the reversible storage of hydrogen. Potential Applications:One area of application of this invention is as on-board hydrogen storage systems...
Published: 9/1/2022   |   Inventor(s): James Ritter, Tao Wang, Armin Ebner, Charles Holland
Category(s): Energy
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