Improved Method for Industrial Scale Micropropagation of Select Monocots (Arundo, Miscanthus & Scirpus) based on Sustained Totipotent Cell Cultures



Reference #:  00631

The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for this technology.

Invention Description:

This invention provides a new alternative, improved, comprehensive set of methods for the initiation, mass micro-propagation, maintenance, storage, transportation, deployment of propagules as well as for enhanced somaclonal breeding of select plant species utilizing an improved sustained embryogenic cell culture induction and maintenance technology and the derived secondary totipotent cell cultures and tertiary microtillering multishoot cultures, where the species are selected from the class of perennial Monocotyledoneae, with special focus on the biomass crops, giant reed (/Arundo donax)/, giant hybrid silvergrass (/Miscanthus x giganteus)/ and bulrush (/Scirpus validus/and/ Scirpus californicus), and broomgrass (/Thysanolaena maxima/) and on the elite lines of different origin resulted from the above species. Sustained embryogenic cell culture of giant reed and bulrush has not been reported before.


Potential Applications:

Applicable in breeding of select plant species

Advantages and Benefits:

The invention is an improvement over existing micro-propagation, macro-propagation and traditional propagation methods and also can provide superior plant clones in commercially viable numbers at an industrial scale for remediation and biomass plantations.


This technology builds on the following previous patented work held by USC:


·       US PATENT 6,821,782: Sustained Totipotent Culture of Selected Monocot Genera (Priority date of provisional application Feb. 5, 2001, IssuedNovember 23, 2004)

·       US PATENT 7,303,916: Sustained Totipotent Culture of Selected Monocot Genera (Priority date of provisional application Feb. 5, 2001, Issued December 4, 2007)

·       Hungarian Patent Application P 05 00786 [Márton, L. és Czakó, M. (2002) Szelektált egyszikü nemzetségek hosszan tartó totipotens tenyészete.  [Magyar szabadalmi bejelentés P0500786] (Priority date of provisional application Feb. 5, 2001)

·       US Patent 8,030,073 Method for micropropagation of monocots based on sustained totipotent cell cultures. (Division of US PATENT 7,863,046 Filed on, May 7, 2007 Filed Nov. 22, 2010, Issued October 4, 2011)

·       US Patent 8,105,835 Method for micropropagation of monocots based on sustained totipotent cell cultures, (Division 1 of US Patent 7,863,046 Filed on, May 7, 2007, Filed Nov. 22, 2010, Issued January 31, 2012).

·       European Patent EP2150100B1 Method for micropropagation of monocots based on sustained totipotent cell cultures / Verfahren zur Mikropropagation von Monokotyledonen auf Grundlage von dauerhaften totipotenten Zellkulturen / Procédé de micropropagation de monocotyledons basé sur des cultures cellulaires totipotentes entretenues.  Application No EP07794611.9), (Filed/Priority date 7/5/07, I cannot find this Priority date Feb. 5, 2001, Filed Feb. 5, 2002, allowed as of October 2011 by EPO). ( granted 6/12/12 published European Patent Bulletin 12/28 of 11.07.12 (

·       Countries validated: EPO, France , Hungary, Italy, Spain and the UK.


Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date Patent Status
Method For Micropropagation of Monocots Based on sustained Totipotent Cell Cultures Utility United States 11/800,719 7,863,046 5/7/2007 1/4/2011 5/7/2027 Issued
Methos for Micropropagation of Monocots Based on Sustained Totipotent Cell Cultures PCT United States PCT/US2007/011008 5/7/2007      
Method for Micropropogation of Monocots Based on sustained Totipotent Cell Cultures Nationalized PCT Brazil PI 0721649-1   5/7/2007 7/13/2021   Granted
Method for Micropropagation of Monocots Based on Sustained Totipotent Cell Cultures Nationalized PCT Australia 2007352625 2007352625 11/4/2009 3/22/2012 5/7/2027 Issued
Method for Micropropagation of Monocots based on sustained Totipotent Cell Cultures Nationalized PCT Malaysia PI 20094650 MY-145797-A 11/4/2009 4/30/2012 5/7/2027 Issued
Method for Micropropagation of Monocots Based on Sustained Totipotent Cell Cultures Nationalized PCT European 07794611.9 EP 2150100 12/1/2009 7/11/2012 5/7/2027 Issued
For Information, Contact:
Technology Commercialization
University of South Carolina
Laszlo Marton
Mihaly Czako
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